From I-95
Click for enlargementTake I-95 to the Davie Blvd. Exit. Take Davie Blvd.
west 1.5 miles (one and a half). You will pass a Publix on
the south side of Davie Blvd. Paisley Furniture is 2
blocks west of the Publix. Paisley Furniture is a large
blue building.
From 595
Take 595 to the 441/State Road 7 north exit. Take 441
north to Davie Blvd. Take Davie Blvd. east 4 blocks.
Paisley Furniture is the large blue building on the south side
of the road.
From 441/State Road 7
Take 441/State Road 7 to Davie Blvd. (Davie Blvd. is
located in Fort Lauderdale). Take Davie Blvd. east 4
blocks. Paisley Furniture is the large blue building on
the south side of the road.
From Sawgrass Expressway
Take Sawgrass Expressway to 595. Take 595 east to the
441 north exit. Take 441 north to Davie Blvd. Go
east on Davie Blvd. 4 blocks. Paisley Furniture is the
large blue building on the south side of the road.
From I-75
Take I-75 to 595. Take 595 east to the 441 north
exit. Take 441 north to Davie Blvd. Go east on Davie
Blvd. 4 blocks. Paisley Furniture is the large blue
building on the south side of the road.
From the Turnpike
Take the turnpike to the 595 interchange. Exit and look
for the 441 north ramp. Take 441 north to Davie
Blvd. Go east on Davie Blvd. 4 blocks. Paisley
Furniture is the large blue building on the south side of the
Please call for more specific directions if needed.
954.584.3287 |